Plastic Surgery in Turkey


Welcome to Road to Smile, where we prioritize both the aesthetics and functionality of your facial features. Our commitment to excellence extends to our specialized Jaw Surgery, also known as Orthognathic Surgery.

Plastic Surgery in Turkey

About the treatment

Jaw Surgery in Turkey (Orthognathic Surgery) - Road to Smile

Welcome to Road to Smile, where we prioritize both the aesthetics and functionality of your facial features. Our commitment to excellence extends to our specialized Jaw Surgery, also known as Orthognathic Surgery. Let's explore the transformative details of this procedure and how it can enhance not just your appearance but also improve the overall functionality of your jaw.

Understanding Jaw Surgery (Orthognathic Surgery):

Orthognathic Surgery, commonly referred to as Jaw Surgery, is a corrective procedure that addresses irregularities in the jaw and facial skeleton. This surgery goes beyond cosmetic enhancements, aiming to improve the alignment of the jaws, correct bite issues, and enhance facial harmony.

Key Aspects of Jaw Surgery at Road to Smile:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Before recommending Jaw Surgery, our expert team conducts a thorough assessment, including facial analysis, dental examination, and imaging studies, to understand the specific concerns and develop a tailored treatment plan.
  2. Bite Correction: Orthognathic Surgery is often recommended to correct bite issues such as overbite, underbite, or crossbite. The procedure involves repositioning the upper jaw (maxilla), lower jaw (mandible), or both, to achieve optimal alignment.
  3. Facial Harmony: Beyond functional improvements, Jaw Surgery aims to enhance facial aesthetics by achieving a harmonious balance between the jaw, chin, and other facial features.
  4. Breathing and Speech Improvement: In some cases, Orthognathic Surgery can contribute to improved breathing and speech functions by addressing issues related to the jaw and facial structure.

Why Choose Jaw Surgery at Road to Smile?

  • Specialized Team: Our skilled team includes oral and maxillofacial surgeons who specialize in Jaw Surgery, ensuring a high level of expertise in every aspect of the procedure.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: We utilize advanced technologies and state-of-the-art facilities to perform precise and safe Orthognathic Surgery.
  • Patient-Centric Approach: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We involve you in the decision-making process and provide personalized care throughout your journey.

Embark on Your Journey to a Harmonious Jaw Structure:

Ready to enhance both the form and function of your jaw? Contact us to schedule a consultation and begin your transformative journey with Jaw Surgery at Road to Smile.

Patient succes stories

Emily E.

Emily E, UK

When I arrived at the RTS branch, Ms. Merve welcomed me. Ms. Merve accompanied me throughout the entire process and always wanted to make sure that everything went well.Dentist Murat performed the first examination and a treatment plan was prepared. He gave me utmost confidence. My respect and trust for him is endless.


John J

John J, UK

Jhon J., a UK resident, underwent a life-changing hair transplant in Turkey with our health tourism. With 5800 grafts, the results were astonishing, boosting his confidence. From consultation to post-op care, our team provided unwavering support.




Plastic Surgery in Turkey

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Plastic Surgery in Turkey

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